Male Shorts: International V5 (2023)

Male Shorts: International V5 (2023)

Country: USA
Release Year: 2023
Director: Chico Lacerda, Ricky Mastro...
Language: English
Genre: Short Films Collection
Number of shorts: 4
Total Runtime: 91 min
Carlos Cesare, Felipe Ferreira
Gregorio Musatti, Jordi Marchon
Luca Lacerenza, Pietro Angelini
Breaking Glass Pictures
The Open Reel
Available on:
Get ready for the fifth volume of an incredible gay short film series! Male Shorts: International V5 features four brand-new short films focusing on gay, bi and generally curious men from around the globe. "Iceberg" takes place in Rio de Janeiro during the pandemic and follows two men who are haunted by the same mysterious spirit which seems to inhabit their plumbing. In "Xavier and Miguel", a young man uses his cell phone to come out to the world, his father and his best friend and crush all at once. The visually inventive "Dreams" concerns a documentary filmmaker who with his camera so that he can capture the dreams he has at night. Finally, "It's Just Another Day" follows Gabriele, who is torn between taking care of his sick father or running away to Rome with the man he loves.

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