Devil's Path (2018)

Devil's Path (2018)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2018
Director: Matthew Montgomery
Writer: Matthew Montgomery, Stephen Twardokus
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 88 min
Cast:Stephen Twardokus, JD Scalzo
Jon Gale, Michael Hampton
Steve Callahan, Spencer Kelly
Studio:Proteus Pictures
Breaking Glass Pictures
Available on:
In the early 90’s, two strangers meet in a wilderness park where gay men cruise for sex. What seems like an innocent and random meeting quickly descends into a horrific nightmare. With recent disappearances and attacks, the two men soon find themselves in the terrifying position of being the next victims in a deadly game of cat and mouse. As they flee further into the woods to escape the danger, they begin to understand that the greatest danger of all may be closer than either of them realizes. Will these two strangers be able to work together to defeat the darkness that has settled in on Devil’s Path? Or will their own secrets and lies lead them to be the next two missing persons in this perilous park?

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