Where Are You Going, Habibi? (2015) - Wo willst du hin, Habibi?

Where Are You Going, Habibi? (2015)
Country: Germany
Release Year: 2015
Aka: Wo willst du hin, Habibi?
Director: Tor Iben | Writer: Tor Iben
Language: German, English
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Runtime: 75 min
Cast:Cem Alkan, Martin Walde
Tuncay Gary, Ilknur Boyraz
Özay Fecht, Neil Malik Abdullah
Studio:Duellmann Filmproduktion
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4064498/
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Ibrahim falls in love with Alexander, a blond, blue eyed German criminal and show wrestler who is straight - an impossible friendship that surpasses the both of them.

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