One Kiss (2016) - Un bacio

One Kiss (2016)
Country: Italy
Release Year: 2016
Aka: Un bacio
Director: Ivan Cotroneo
Writer: Ivan Cotroneo
Language: Italian
Genre: Drama | Runtime: 102 min
Cast:Rimau Ritzberger Grillo, Leonardo Pazzagli
Valentina Romani, Susy Laude
Thomas Trabacchi, Sergio Romano
Studio:Indigo Film, Rai Cinema
TLA Releasing
Available on:
Lorenzo, Blu and Antonio are high school sophomores living in a small city in the North of Italy. All three are outcasts, albeit for different reasons. Antonio is a jock, but gets picked on for his speech impediment, Blu has been unfairly labeled the town whore due to one prior indiscretion and Lorenzo is not afraid to be open about his sexuality, despite rampant homophobia. Though they come from different backgrounds, the three share a strong bond and soon band together to fight against their oppressors. However, when Lorenzo starts making evident his attraction to Antonio, petty jealousies threaten to tear the trio apart.

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