Spinnin' (2007)

Spinnin' (2007)
Country: Spain
Release Year: 2007
Aka: Spinnin' - 6000 millones de personas diferentes
Director: Eusebio Pastrana
Writer: Eusebio Pastrana
Language: Spanish
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 105 min
Cast:Alejandro Tous, Olav Fernández
Agustín Ruiz, Zoraida Kroley
Studio:Big Bean & The Human Bean Band
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132271/
Available on:
Spinnin' is a wonderfully exuberant, multi-layered Spanish drama. MADRID 1995. Garate and Omar are young, gay and in love, and want to have a child. After failed attempts with their female pals, they befriend Raquel, a pregnant woman whose partner has died of aids. Sound conventional? Spinnin' is anything but. It is a wildly entertaining, inventive and cheeky film that throws the audience in the centre of these friends' chaotic lives, and celebrates being alive. Garate and Omar are surrounded by myriad colourful characters: from new-born babies to Garate's 60 plus father who is falling in love again; to two policemen who list things that are important to them, in the desire that their lists match up; to a couple who are either kissing each other, or fighting - both with equal passion; and many, many others. There's not a dull minute in this whirlwind of a film. Surrender to the charms of Spinnin' and you will leave the cinema wanting to embrace each other...

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