Men In The Nude (2006) - Férfiakt

Men In The Nude (2006)
Country: Hungary
Release Year: 2006
Aka: Férfiakt
Director: Károly Esztergályos
Writer: Károly Esztergályos
Language: Hungarian
Genre: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 94 min
Cast:Dávid Szabó, László Gálffi, Éva Kerekes
Studio:PRO-FUN Media
Centrál Filmstúdió
Bunyik Entertainment
Available on:
Tibor (László Gálffi) is a writer having a midlife crisis. While his actress-wife (Éva Kerekes) is touring out of town, he meets an androgynous boy-prostitute, Zsolt (Dávid Szabó). The boy skillfully insinuates his way into the writer's home and heart. Thomas Mann's Death in Venice is the overt prototype for this affair between the middle-aged writer and the beautiful boy from another world who becomes a muse for the artist. Tastes in music (Schubert vs hip-hop), literature, and food (sushi) constantly remind us that age is not the only thing that separates the two lovers. Zsolt, it turns out, is also interested in girls, and his friends are petty criminals, thieves, and blackmailers. Yet he is also seductive and very good at spinning a web of lies to enthrall the writer, who is inspired to restart his career. Tibor eventually confronts the reality of his own failed marriage and of Zsolt's criminality and unavailability.

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