Little Boy Big Boy (2009)

Little Boy Big Boy (2009)
Country: Philippines
Release Year: 2009
Director: Joselito Altarejos
Writer: Lex Bonife
Language: Filipino, Tagalog
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 75 min
Cast:Paolo Rivero, Douglas Robinson
Renz Valerio, Ray An Dulay
Sophia Baars, Marc Jacob
Studio:Viva Films
Beyond The Box
Available on:
Little Boy/Big Boy tells the story of a carefree graphic artist named Raymund and how he is filled with doubt as he is suddenly faced with the responsibility of looking after his seven-year-old nephew Zach. But while taking care of Zach, Raymund finds himself in the middle of building a relationship with his new lover Tim where he teaches him the value of acceptance and self-respect. This gripping indie film, which stars Paolo Rivero as Raymund, Douglas Robinson as Tim, and Renz Valerio as Zach, is helmed by Joselito Altarejos with screenplay by Lex Bonife. The director shares that Little Boy/Big Boy “has turned out to be an adult gay-drama with lots of sensitive scenes, heart-warming moments and insights on relationships – gay or straight.”

1 comment(s):

Jeffrey 6033 said...

What company distributed this movie on a DVD. I can find little to no information on this film. I believe it was distributed by Viva Films at one time. I followed the link on your website to but the film is no longer available. Can anyone please help me to locate a copy of this film????

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