Like A Brother (2005) - Comme un frère

Like A Brother (2005)
Country: France
Release Year: 2005
Aka: Comme un frère
Director: Bernard Alapetite, Cyril Legann
Writer: Bernard Alapetite, Cyril Legann
Language: French
Genre: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 2005 min
Cast:Benoît Delière, Johnny Amaro
Thibault Boucaux, Adeline Ishiomin
Studio:Eklipse Vidéo, Parasol Pictures
Water Bearer Films
Available on:
Sebastien dreams of being someone else. Someone more outgoing, more outrageous and more sexual. When the 18-year-old leaves his small French town and moves to Paris to become an actor, he reinvents himself and changes his name to Zack.
The City of Lights casts a captivating glow for young Zack. Every night he cruises the city’s most fashionable gay bars, dressed to kill and hoping to find a guy who will love him. He moves from encounter to encounter, unable to find sexual or emotional fulfillment with anyone.
Alone in his bedroom at night, Zack relives memories from happier times back in his hometown and the close relationship he had with his best friend Roman.
When Roman calls and announces that hs is coming to Paris, Zach begins to rekindle the unrequited feelings he has for his best friend and is forced to make some big decisions about his life and how to live it honestly.

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