Bowser Makes A Movie (2005)

Bowser Makes A Movie (2005)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2005
Director: Toby Ross
Writer: Toby Ross
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 87 min
Cast:Nick Lewis, Kevin Viol
Peter Marinelli, Brian Campbell
Bradley Baloff, Mathew Goldman
Studio:Hornbill Films, River North Productions
Ariztical Entertainment
Available on:
Bowser who manages to get fired from every possible job has decided to pursue his life dream. Making an adult film. The father an X military special forces officer has something to say about that. NO! Bowser then mortgages his parents home by disguising himself as his own dad just to lose the money on a train to a nun! Next his buddy gets the cash from some dangerous loan shark and Bowser almost gets to make his movie. Unfortunately he gets caught by his parents who decided to come back earlier followed by the gangsters who want their money back.

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