Watch Out (2008)

Watch Out (2008)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2008
Director: Steve Balderson
Writer: Steve Balderson, Joseph Suglia
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Horror
Runtime: 89 min
Cast:Matt Riddlehoover, Peter Stickles
Amy Kelly, Jeff Dylan Graham
Jillian Lauren Dreskin, Miriam Climenhaga
Studio:Dikenga Films
Breaking Glass Pictures
Available on:
Matt Riddlehoover gives an extraordinary, bravura performance as Jonathan Barrows, a man who falls in love with himself, literally. Barrows is attracted to his own body, carries out an erotic relationship with a blow-up doll that resembles him, and takes pleasure in rejecting the advances of his many admirers. He descends into a world of carnivorous priests and Prozac-popping Polish prostitutes and eventually assassinates the world's most popular pop-diva. You strange creatures, Barrows declares, you are nothing more to Me than a meal at the fast-food restaurant of life. But who will end up being devoured? Based on the best-selling novel by Dr. Joseph Suglia, WATCH OUT is extraordinary, a film which settles down into your consciousness and is still there days later. Most directors would not have the balls to show this... The combination of Steve s direction and Riddlehoover s performance... It s masterful film-making. It leaves you in awe.

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