First Love And Other Pains (1999) - Sam Fooi - Xinhui

First Love And Other Pains (1999)
Country: Hong Kong
Release Year: 1999
Aka: Sam Fooi - Xinhui
Director: Simon Chung
Writer: Simon Chung
Language: English, Cantonese
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 50 min
Cast:Alex Wong, Edmund Strode
Carrie Leung, Kin Wai Young, Colette Koo
Studio:Ying E Chi
First Run Features
Available on:
Post-Handover Hong Kong, Mark, a nineteen year-old gay college student, Mark, is smitten with his English instructor, an older, frustrated British playwright, Hugh. Mark is a standout student in Hugh's class and trails him to a theater where they are producing Hugh's gay play. Mark strikes up a friendship with the depressed, alcoholic - but well-preserved middle-aged man and they fuck in the bathtub one drunken night. Hugh tries to push Mark away, but the youth is persistent is his quest. Will Mark be able to prove his love? Is it too late for Hugh to find happiness?

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