Almost Normal (2005)

Almost Normal (2005)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2005
Director: Marc Moody
Writer: Marc Moody
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 90 min
Cast:J. Andrew Keitch, Joan Lauckner
Tim Hammer, Nils Haaland
Kehry Anson Lane, Joel Egger
Studio:Tenure Track Productions, Wolfe Video
7th Art Releasing
Available on:
A gay man with a growing sense of isolation gets a rare chance to view the world from an entirely new vantage point in this comedy that aims to show that you just can't help who you fall in love with. With his fortieth birthday just past and no love prospects in sight, Brad Jenkins (Andrew Keitch) is feeling especially lonesome. Though Brad's best friend Julie (Joan Lauckner) urges him to forgo his self-pity and attend the upcoming family reunion that he has been dreading for months, the ensuing overdose of suburban utopia at the family gathering drives Brad to have a few more drinks than he should before getting behind-the-wheel. When a violent crash sends Brad careening into the past and back to his high school days, the transported teenager soon discovers that in this parallel universe all of his former classmates are gay. Despite his joy at being asked out by former high school crush Roland (Tim Hammer), Brad once again finds himself faced with the prospect of becoming an outsider when a new student named Julie arrives at his school and Brad begins feeling an inexplicably heterosexual attraction to his pretty new classmate.

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